On my Facebook status earlier, I put that I thought about going for a walk and then decided not to. Then, I changed my mind and went anyway. I put on some layers, took the camera, and called home and chatted with my brother while I walked. And just to show you how brave I am, this is what weather.com has to say about the weather.
Please be proud that I went outside in this. I am. Proud, that is. Of myself. Now I can't type well because I broke my arm patting myself on the back. Ok, not really. It sounded good though, didn't it? Huh? Huh? |
Here are some pictures I snapped randomly while I walked. Isn't the snow pretty? They keep the roads fairly well plowed. I only fell once, and didn't even get hit by a car!
I thought all the little trees covered in snow were pretty. |
I LOVE the way the snow forms to the top of stumps. It makes such cool shapes. |
I walked down to the lake. See that huge condo building? Those people are rich. Just sayin'. And do you see our white sand on our beaches? People are flocking for all over to sun bathe there. Not. It's cold. |
The entrance to someone's private beach. I like. |
The Coeur d'Alene Senior Center. I like it too. |
Pretty snow. The snow down here is mostly gone. It's freeeezing, but no new snow. Good for you, going walking in the cold. I'm proud. ;-)