So last time we spoke, I showed you pictures of the OK June wedding. And I sadly confessed that we had taken no pictures of the bride. Somehow, though, we got three pictures of this. It's a good thing they had hired a real photographer to capture their special day!
Well, hello, Rusty's ear. I would not be able to survive without photographic documentation of your ear to hold me through my homesickness. |
I also forgot to share our self-portrait from Glacier with you. We are going to perfect the art of self-portraits someday. Until then, you'll just have to suffer through our amateur photography. I mean really - when we take 3 pictures of Rusty's ear and none of the bride, you gotta know that we are not very good at this.
Cheese! |
After our trip to OK, it was back to the grind stone for all of us. Poor Wesley - the weather was too cold almost the whole time he was here for any water activity. I think he maybe jumped in the lake once. It's warmer now. It got up to a whole 90 degrees! We did get to do some hiking, he rode dirt bikes with the boys, we rode our bicycles around the neighborhood, and he enjoyed lots of Taco Bell. Methinks my cooking skills could use some improvement.
Daddy came to visit at the end of July and stayed with us for a week. Sadly, I took no pictures. We spent an afternoon trying to pick huckleberries, only to discover that since it had been so cold, they were all very green and smallish. Too bad. Daddy also got to experience our huge two block farmer's market. I don't think he was terribly impressed.
A couple of weekends ago, we went camping with Hubby's family. We had a very gorgeous campsite.
I actually stood in the river to take the picture. I had my shoes on, so I was able to stand it for a couple of minutes before my feet were aching from the cold. I'm a wimp. |
We were surrounded by huge old growth cedars. So beautiful. |
I spent most of the days relaxing in the camp with my Kindle. I loved it. Cameron did take me on a brief dirt bike ride and that was fun too.
We saw a lot of wildlife in the camp. (My MIL spent the days relaxing with me.) There was a game trail not very far away and we saw many deer on it. We also saw a mink in the water one day.
He's kinda hard to see, but look right in the middle of the picture. He had just either caught a fish or picked up the fish guts that were in the river from the fish caught the previous night. He's a fuzzy ball that blends in with the rocks. |
Again look in the middle of the picture. He is stretched out (a side view) swimming. I didn't think I had gotten any picture of him until I zoomed in, that is how well he blends. |
This little deer was pretty fearless. See the huge tree behind him? I had snuck up behind a huge tree a ways in front of him and zoomed way in. He just stopped and posed and let me take his picture over and over again. |
Told you he was posing. |
There were several things to be thankful for in that camping trip. That I didn't actually get *sick* when I was getting carsick from the winding roads we had to take to get there. That we didn't end up carpooling with Hubs bro. That is a thankful thing because the last morning, (his parents left on Sat and we stayed until Sunday) when his bro started his truck to hook it up to the camper so that things would be packed when they came back from the fishing they had planned, the truck made a bad noise and oil spewed EVERYWHERE. Thankfully, it wasn't as bad as it looked. He had recently changed his oil and apparently got a faulty filter. The seal blew and the pressure was such that it spewed oil straight up. I spent the day relaxing in camp while Hubs and his bro drove the 40 miles into town where, thankfully, there was a Napa open. Oil filter and change later, it was time to pack up and drive the 3 hours home. I'm thankful his filter blew in camp and not on the road. And I'm thankful we all made it home safely.
This past Friday Hubs and I camped out at our property, which we have fondly dubbed Poppity Acres. Or I have in memory of good times as a kid, and Hubs is indulging me. It was cold at night, but fun to be snug inside our tent in the basement. His family and some friends showed up in the morning and we (ok, they) got busy doing the last prep work so the trusses could go up. We ran out of time before they actually got the trusses in place, but the boys are working on it again this evening. Wanna see pictures?
This was our basement before the walls. |
The front door with the trusses set on top of the roof. |
I thought this was way cool. I laid down on the living room floor and took a pic of the trusses. |
The view from my living room window. |
There is a flock of turkeys that lives on our property. Here is evidence. |
There's our summer for you. I hope we have a few more weeks of summer before fall arrives.
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