Monday, June 20, 2011

Lessons from the Couch

You know, they say (I'm not sure who "they" are, but it seemed like a good way to start this post) that if you want to know why someone does what they do, you should just ask them. Today, I decided to take that advice. This is how it went.

"Self, you seem to be very competitive. Why is that?"
I replied, "That is a very good question. It seems to stem from needing to be ...better than everyone else?"
Shocked, Myself seemed to have no reply. Then it hit me. It was true. Even in elementary school, I had to read more books, get more Accelerated Reader points, higher grades than everyone else. We all know that I would never be better at athletics, so I had to do what I could, right? Unfortunately, it seems to have carried over into real life. I have to drive faster than the people who share the highway with me, or it gives me a complex. Heaven forbid I get passed! At work, I derive secret (well, not so secret anymore!) pleasure from catching mistakes that slipped by the editor.

Why am I sharing this? It was astounding to figure out that I'm not perfect. I spent my Junior High years convincing friends and acquaintances that there are only three rules in life.

1. Linnie is always right.
2. If Linnie is wrong, see rule number 1.
3. All of the above.

The funny thing is, I almost succeeded in convincing them. I ran into a girl I hadn't talked to since Jr. High several years later, and she distinctly remembered me telling them this.

World, I'm a fake. I'm not always right, and I'm certainly not perfect. I just needed you to know this today, so that I can lower all of our expectations for Myself. Thank you for understanding.

PS - Anyone remember this kid's song? "He's still working on me, To make me what I ought to be. It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars, the sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars. How loving and patient He must be, He's still working on me." This is my theme song!!!


  1. Yay! Of course you're not always right. I am. ;-)
    I get all kinds of pleasure out of catching printed errors. Clearly.

  2. You just now figured that out? ;-) Welcome to the club. (I'm surprised your brothers didn't let you know that a long time ago... I mean, just ask Bobby... lol)

  3. Those rules made me laugh! :) I like that children's song, too! "He's still working on me!"
