Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I was cleaning out ancient emails from my inbox just a few minutes ago and ran across one that made me think about words.

1. Words are funny. Depending on how you feel about the person saying/writing them, you interpret them different ways. For instance, if you are angry with someone, a perfectly innocent comment may sound snide or malicious. Words that once gave me warm fuzzys (from people I don't even talk to and rarely think about!) now are just words.

2. Words can instruct, uplift, tear down, comfort or simply drone on in a monotonous order.

3. Words govern us. All of those ordinances I stare at all day? They rule you. (And right now, they pay my paycheck!)

I was feeling more philosophical as I started this post. Now I'm just tired. Here are a few words for you: If you are family, you have to be related to me, but you don't have to love me. Thanks for deciding to love me. If you are an old friend, thank you for sticking around, through all the good times, bad times, zany times... Thank you for sticking around for times. If you are a new friend, I hope you stick around. And I hope that my words are good to you.


  1. I cherish and enjoy all your words. And I love you and will always stick around. xoxo
