Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Truth or Fiction?

We met with the draftsman last night to get started on our house plans! We showed him the house that we like as well as our property. (Which officially belongs to my father-in-law now. Can I still call it mine? It will actually be ours after the house is built and we join the ranks of mortgage debtors...) He said that he is pretty sure he has plans like our house and will be calling today to get this project moving along. I'm praying that God holds off winter till we get this project started. Rumor has it that the snow might fly on Halloween.

In other news: For those of you who are curious, my old husband is a Swiss banker named Lars. Or he was a banker before I took all of his money. We maintained a long distance relationship for a while, but then I met Cameron and decided that I was bored with not being able to communicate with someone I couldn't see. I took all of Lars' money and changed my email address, and now he can't find me. Poor Lars. I'm sure he found some more money somewhere, so I don't feel terribly sorry for him.

I am discovering some interesting things about what it means to be a North Idaho wife.

1. I was perfectly content to eat vegetables out of cans and that could be purchased at the store before I moved up here. That is SO Oklahoma, circa 2009. Present day Idaho dictates that a large garden is grown and that you learn to can produce. Thank goodness for apartment living!!

2. Expect various guns and gun cleaning equipment to become part of your household decor. When you ask your husband why he can't store them someplace out of sight, he reminds you that you live in said apartment.

3. It is common to clean dead animals in your kitchen. While I fought against this tooth and nail, cleaning birds at midnight in the rain was just not something I had a heart to make Cameron do. He got to use the kitchen. (I went to bed so I didn't have to know what grossness had occurred.)

4. Idaho wives are expected to know how to cook all manner of animals. While I knew these animals existed (hello, I have visited the Zoo a few times), I did not know that they would become a part of my diet. (Actually, they haven't yet. I tasted the birds, but couldn't bring myself to eat them.)

5. I thought that this list should have five items because that seemed like a good number. I can't think of a fifth thing. Other than: expect to be completely out of your element in every situation. New stores, new people, new town, new recreational activities, new clothing malfunctions... It's great. As long as you act like you know what you are doing, you can usually fool 99% of the new people.

Check back often for more rambling nonsense!

Note: No Swiss bankers were harmed in the writing of this blog. In fact, I don't even know any Swiss bankers. Really.


  1. Lars?? Surely your old husband was a "Lars". That's just terrible. Glad your new husband has a better name than that. :-)

    By the way, where did Lar's money go?

    In all seriousness, post some pictures of your house plans. We want to see them!

  2. That should be "wasn't" not "was".

  3. That was part of the reason poor Lars isn't anymore. Couldn't handle saying "Lars, de-ah" without laughing! I spent all of Lars money moving to Idaho. He was a very poor banker. :D

    I will post pics when I can. We meet with the draftsman again tonight!

  4. I kind of liked Lars. I like Cameron WAY more, though!
