Friday, November 4, 2011

One o'them kinda days

A serious event happened in my life today and it caused me to learn many things about the milk of human kindness.

These are my shoes. They are on the floor at work. You are surely wondering how they got there. On my feet of course! Yes. I got up, got dressed and had been at work for an hour when I noticed this unfortunate circumstance. You know what I found out?

1. I always thought having your eyes open while dressing helped. It doesn't.

2. People didn't notice! I had no time to come home until now, and so I ran around town doing errands like this. I think one guy maybe saw. And he's male so there is a good chance that he was just looking at my feet because he has a weird foot fetish and didn't notice the shoes at all.

3. People not noticing made me wonder: Did they really not notice? Or did they choose not to say anything? And does this make them polite or mean? Is it the polite thing to notice that someone really hasn't gotten their act together and ignore it, or to pull them aside and kindly let them know that they really have issues? (Or at least wardrobe issues?!)

4. Cameron went hunting. Apparently that means that I immediately fall to pieces. Told you I needed a support group.

5. I was kind of hoping that by running around town with mismatched shoes, someone would think I was poor and offer to buy me a new pair of shoes. No such luck.

Ladies, here's my advice: Cute shoes (or even matching ones!) apparently don't matter. Don't let that keep you from buying them anyway, though. Mismatched shoes cause backaches, so you may as well have CUTE matching ones!

A good weekend to you all!