Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lessons from a Day of Domesticity

1. If you holler "OW!" really loud while taking dinner out of the oven, your loving husband will come dashing into the kitchen, expressing much concern.

2. When pinning fabric, it is wise if you DON'T have your thumb right where the pin is going to come out.

3. Being domestic is messy business. There is fabric scattered around the living room, as well as the ironing board being set up from where I went on an ironing binge. Not to mention the mess that was already scattered around. Thank goodness I get to go to work tomorrow. Who knows what it would look like in here if I didn't?!

4. My sewing machine says "Simple" on the front of it. It lies.

5. How on earth did the women do it back in the day? For that matter, Mother, how did you do it??? Babies everywhere, and life must still go on. I'm really thankful I live in the modern day, and as of yet, have no babies.


  1. This is why I rarely do domestic things around the house. It's just too dangerous! :-)

  2. Babies do take naps you know :) Of course, half the time I spend nap time as "me" time, or take a nap myself... I'm not looking forward to trying to figure out how to get both babies to sleep at the same time though! At least Cadence is big enough she will play or "help" me if I need some time while she's awake. Glad you survived all your painful domestication :D
