Friday, January 28, 2011

My Sewing Machine Keeps Me Humble

"Anything that can go wrong, will." - Murphy's Law, NLV

Who knew that Murphy's law would apply to sewing? I am supposed to attend a baby shower on Saturday and I got the brilliant idea to make some homemade gifts. Keep in mind that I have had my sewing machine since September, and have only used it for one project. I had to watch the instructional DVD to use it that time. This time, I decided I would just dig out the manual. Things I learned the last few days:
1. I can't sew a straight seam to save my life;
2. How to rethread the needle after it hits a pin and comes unthreaded, causing me to have to start the crooked seam over;
3. How to disassemble my sewing macine and reassemble it (I'm becoming a pro at this!);
4. How to waste half a spool of thread just getting started on a project (that's $1.25 down the drain, thank you very much);
5. How to hope to goodness that the baby won't notice the less than professional work. About the time I got on a roll, the bobbin ran out of thread. Another seam that had to be started over. And do you think I ripped the old ones out?? Think again! Just sew over them, baby!

Earlier this summer, I saw a seamstress position posted in the paper. I briefly considered applying, thinking, "How hard could it be to use a sewing machine?". I'm glad I didn't, because I would have been the laughing stock of that establishment.

Murphy, you were a wise old pessimist. Would you like to find a new hobby with me?


  1. Lol, girl! I never start my seam over when I run out of bobbin. I lock where my stitches ended and keep going. keep working at it. you'll get better.

  2. I'm so impressed that you even try this! I'm pretty much lost at the word "sewing."
