Friday, February 11, 2011

Groceries, Part 2

So I recently made a comment that I like to carry all of my groceries in at one time. It is a neurosis. However, today I was running low on time (I had gone grocery shopping before work) and so I thought it would be faster to run part of the groceries up to the landing by our door and then get the rest, rather than struggling with all of the doors. The second load consisted of four bags on one arm and the milk carton in the other. I looped the milk around my fingers and reached up to shut the back of my SUV. As I violently slung the door downward (it takes some oomph to get it closed!) the milk went slamming to the ground, promptly splitting open on both sides. I briefly considered taking it to the nearby dumpster and just throwing out the whole gallon, but that seemed like such a waste. I took it over to the stairway and tried to set it on the ground in such a way that it wouldn't spill too much more. That was basically impossible. I ran inside, left all the groceries on the landing, and grabbed a plastic bag. When I got back outside, rather than doing the smart thing and sticking it inside the bag, I just balanced it on top and tried to carefully carry it upstairs without spilling milk. I failed. The hallway and stairs smell like milk. Ew. I ended up spewing it all over the carpet and kitchen floor in the apartment too, but since I cleaned that up it doesn't smell. I was able to pour at least half a gallon into a bowl and putting it in the fridge that way. Moral of the story: Carry all of the groceries at one time. That never happened when I was doing it that way!


  1. I've read suggestions that you can make carrying in your groceries an exercise event by going back and forth many times. Probably, if you'd ONLY had the milk in your hand, you could have held it in such a way that it was missed by the closing door.

    Maybe exercise is not something you're trying to figure out a plan for.

  2. Ha! We did that once with a jar of spaghetti sauce, all down the stairs at the apartment we lived in when we got married. It doesn't smell as bad, but was a pretty shocking sight to folks who don't know what it is.

    To Mitchi's point, though, you could try just getting more exercise. :-) Work them glutes and quads, Linner!!
