Wednesday, November 3, 2010


1. Cameron and I are not currently having a child.

2. On the way home from church, we were talking about names for our future children. I like the name Laney Beth. He thinks there are too many Nees in that name. I will continue working on him. Here are some of the things we learned about my name choosing fetish. (1) The first name cannot be one syllable. There is no flow to that sort of a name. (2) I have weird associations with names. For instance, the name Leann sounds like a middle name to me. If we named our child that, I would feel like she was running around half-clothed at all times. (3) I like the name Elizabeth. That name was Cameron's brain child. But then we couldn't use Beth as Laney's middle name. So I told him that wouldn't work. Him- "What about Eliza Beth?" Me- "No. I don't like it at all." Him- "You're right. Then we would try to call her and say "Eliza Beth!" And then it would sound like just one name. And that would just be weird." (4) Boys names are boring to me, so I have no prospective boys names in mind. (5) Some names have pleasant associations, but I still would never name my child that. (6) We are not naming one of our children Opinion. Cameron said we couldn't. But I have strong ones. He said so. So wouldn't that make a good child?

3. I gave a random child what for earlier. I was leaving the household of the lady to whom I give care, and when I turned the corner there was a 7-years-old-ish girl walking down the street. She deliberately went out to the middle of the street and stopped till I slowed down and then went back to the side of the street. I pulled up to her and said, (less sternly that I would have said it to one of my nieces) "Don't do that again. You need to get out of the street when you see a car coming." WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO? I understand watching out for children playing in the street. I do. I DON'T understand a child who deliberately stops in the middle of the street, practically daring the person in the car to run over her. AND WHERE ARE THIS CHILD'S PARENTS? Shouldn't they have TAUGHT her to get out of the way of cars??? My car is bigger that her. I can guarantee it wouldn't end well. Ok, rant over.

4. I'm typing this blog on Wednesday night because I'm working again tomorrow and I probably won't have time to type it in the morning.

5. I love Christmas. And it's coming. I heard a Christmas song yesterday. After my initial thought of, "Already? It's not even Thanksgiving yet!", I had a rush of the warm fuzzy feelings that always accompany Christmas for me. Dear CEOs of the airline industry, would you please consider lowering ticket prices? I want to be with my family for Christmas. Show some Christmas spirit, ok? Yours truly, A Poor Newlywed.

Ode to Oklahoma


Your air is not always sweet,
But I like you.
The ground is very flat,
And that's ok.
Please know that I miss you,
And I know you miss me too.


  1. Eliza Beth would work when you call her if it's ElIza. Like in My Fair Lady. Eliza Doolittle. "ELIZA BETH NEELY, get in this house right now!" I like it. :-) I do, actually. I think it's cute.

    Not that I have a vote, but I would agree with Cameron about Laney. It's pretty, but hello, you're Linnie. Linnie and Laney? No. I have a name picked out for the daughter I'll never have. Someone needs to have a girl and let me name her!

    And I'm no help on boys' names. Mine are Tanner, Justice, Merlin, and Jasper. Probably not kid names. And even if they are, they're too "hippie" for northern Idaho. (ha!)

    Random Fred Meyer person: "Your hair is gorgeous and oh, what a precious baby boy! What's his name?"
    You: "Justice."
    Puzzled look from person.
    You: "My pseudo-hippie sil named him."
    Person: "Oh, well at least your hair is pretty." - walks away.


  2. I'm not so into Eliza. It does flow well, but it sounds so old fashioned. Maybe if we called her Ellie...

    My thought with the Laney/Linnie thing is that I will mostly be Mommy at that point so it shouldn't be *too* confusing, right?

    What is the name you have picked? I'm game (maybe!).

    Lol, LOVE the FM scenario. I could probably pull off Tanner, but I think you are right about the rest of them. Oh well... Good thing we aren't having babies right away!
