Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm back!

I shamelessly neglected my blog while traveling, and really don't feel all that bad about it. I'm back among the blogging now though! Watch out, world!

Some highlights of my Oklahoma trip:

1. Seeing friends and family. I missed those guys.

2. Ted's Cafe Escondido! Ted, I need you in my life on a more regular basis.

3. Sitting in a booth at McAlister's with my mom, Rusty, and Wesley, I overheard this conversation behind me. "Susie, sit down. You just tattle-told on Johnny for turning around like that." Tattle-told? It took me a minute to think through that one. "Wait, she should have said tattled. I guess she is trying to have good grammar, but tattle-told would be the good grammar way of changing the redneck 'tattle-tell' into the past." It made me smile.

4. Cato. I really miss that store. I found the most beautiful summer outfit for only $17.00. Too bad I won't get to wear it for another 6 months.

5. I felt like I had never left. Kind of. There were some things that felt different, but not much.

There had been a chance of snow Monday in our area. There was no snow on the ground when I got back. For this I was thankful.

I have discovered an interesting phenomenon. When I'm referring to things that occur here in Idaho, I don't include myself. "Y'all do weird things like go camping." When I was in Oklahoma, I found myself doing the same thing. "Y'all use brick to build all of your houses. We can't because it is too expensive." Maybe one of these days I'll figure out where I belong. Until then, I have two homes.


  1. The kids are bigger. It felt a little different knowing that I wasn't there to stay, but mostly I just felt like I fit back into my old place.
